Looking for Opinions and Guidance
Ok so here it goes, the truth of what brought me here to read and learn what is happing and how the claim process goes. I am currently rated at 30% for asthma, On my ETS physical is when I was told I...
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A few answers. "I still have issues. Do you think I should file for Gulf War Syndrome ?????" Yes...absolutely! But what GWI ailments are you filing for? If you just file for GWI, dude you're screwed....
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fubijar2005, Thanks! Do I start with a VSO? Today I contacted my Local VSO office. It just so happens it is in the same building as the VA outpatient clinic where my VA nurse practitioner is located....
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I would certainly file for disability with the VA. I would also register with the Gulf War Registry. Fubijar is right about filing for only Gulf War Syndrome would not get you the help you need and...
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Amen Pop! VBN is a family. The more of us who are the VA rolls and speaking out through our fraternities like the VFW, DAV and American Legion, the bigger our voice is in Washington. It's not just...
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Hello, looking to find out if VA is going to pay me back pay for my increase all the way back 15 years? I am going to increase but will they really go all the way back to '02?
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lylej1020 wrote:Hello, looking to find out if VA is going to pay me back pay for my increase all the way back 15 years? I am going to increase but will they really go all the way back to '02?It would...
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I took your advice. I am in treatment for PTSD and claim is complete. THANKS!!! I have not yet pursued Gulf War Syndrome, on thing at a time. Total is 80%? when I add it up it is 120% VA math...
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When you get ready to start the Gulf War claims, if you haven't already, check http://www.ngwrc.org/ . There is a lot of good information there.
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MarkC wrote:I took your advice. I am in treatment for PTSD and claim is complete. THANKS!!! I have not yet pursued Gulf War Syndrome, on thing at a time. Total is 80%? when I add it up it is...
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The VA has a very different way of calculating their percentage rating. I still don't understand it. I need someone to explain it to me but I keep getting different answers.
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The VA has a very different way of calculating their percentage rating. I still don't understand it. I need someone to explain it to me but I keep getting different answers.
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Navygirl04 This is my understanding of basic ratings combination. I may be wrong, so please correct me, if needed. example - your disabilities are 70% - 40% - 30% You start with the highest - 70% 70%...
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